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The Country’s Top Advisor On Human Capital


Jim BeqAJ:





Jim Beqaj is one of the country’s top advisors in strategic development, leadership coaching, and recruitment, with decades of experience shaping successful organizations and careers.

As the founder of Beqaj International, co-founder of, and former President and COO of Wood Gundy, Jim has consistently driven innovation and excellence in his field. He has personally hired over 600 individuals, providing unparalleled insight into leadership and business culture.

A best-selling author of three influential books, including True Fit and How to Hire the Perfect Employee, Jim’s expertise continues to guide top CEOs and organizations in finding their true fit and achieving success.



Lots of people settle, compromise, follow the path of least resistance... Jim Beqaj can't stand it and won't let you do it. He asks the tough questions drawn from deep experience and a commitment to see every one of his clients in a career that truly fits and brings out their full potential. He doesn't mince words and he never leaves your corner. You can find no one better to help you be true to yourself.

Rocco Rossi - Board member, Trade and Investment Promoter, Investor, Coach


Why Finding The True Fit Is So Important:

Human capital is the most valuable asset any business has. Period. The most successful companies create high level teams that fit into the culture of the organization; they don't mix and match talent and culture. 

I’ve hired more than 600 people, and I’ve coached some of the top performers and organizations in the country, including CEO Of The Year.

I train business leaders to find the best,  build the best and KEEP the best people on their teams to drive their businesses to new levels of success. 

An high performing company  needs to build a team the truly fits the culture created by the senior leadership. I work directly with founders, CEO’s, and acquiring investors to create the team is that is the Tru Fit for their organization

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"The TED talk everyone in business needs to see"

Watch Jim's inspiring TEDx speech on the True Fit revolution




True Fit: C-Suite Edition

How To Create The Right Team To Fit Your Organization

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My Philosophy

My performance coaching stands apart from other programs. For business owners, I focus exclusively on the strengths of your team, harnessing and maximizing what they naturally excel at. I firmly believe that wasting time trying to improve weaknesses is counterproductive.

By concentrating on what your team does best, I can help your organization achieve remarkable growth and success—regardless of your industry or objectives. There is no doubt in my mind that together, we can enhance your team’s performance, leveraging their unique talents to drive your business to new heights.

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In words that are honest, encouraging, and invigorating, Jim Beqaj shows how you can hire the perfect employer.

By uncovering what you’re good at based on what you love to do, how you’re wired, who you love to work with and your preferred method of resolving conflicts at work. Jim helps you to discover your “Target Rich Environment”—the organizations that both need you and want you, and creating your “Personal Infomercial”—a clear, compelling statement of who you are, how you like to work, and how you can add value.

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True Fit is both a memoir and a razor-sharp, no-nonsense guide for the goal-oriented person adamant to find a career path perfect for them.

The grains of wisdom sprinkled through its pages are applicable as much for those displaced in the workforce as it is for recent grads. If there’s one key piece of insight, it’s to take the bull by the horns and be yourself—unapologetically so.

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True Fit is both a memoir and a razor-sharp, no-nonsense guide for the goal-oriented person adamant to find a career path perfect for them.

The grains of wisdom sprinkled through its pages are applicable as much for those displaced in the workforce as it is for recent grads. If there’s one key piece of insight, it’s to take the bull by the horns and be yourself—unapologetically so.

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“Jim’s ruthless truth-telling approach to matching talent is so obvious when you explain it, but no doubt it is counter intuitive to most.”

Tiff Macklem, Dean, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto


Be You: The World Will AdjustJim Beqaj
00:00 / 18:00

True Fit Podcast:

Success stories from those that found their true fit in life, love, and business


Advanced Management

Private Equity owned and Other Investor/founder acquired businesses bring a unique challenge to the human capital department. Many times companies bought have deep seeded employment and management issues that are not disclosed or discovered during standard due diligence.

Many times the team that brought the company to the point of sale is not the team that will take them to scale and subsequent exit.

My advanced management assessment and recruitment programs are designed to deeply assess the entire team and quickly build you an actionable roadmap for the human capital needs and challenges as the company scales 

Case Studies

The following stories depict the personal journeys of real clients of mine.

The themes here are common ones in the modern-day workplace regardless of industry. Many of us know how it feels to be overcome with imposter syndrome, to dare to change careers, or to feel pressured to climb the corporate ladder. A person’s job title is never what validates my work as a coach. For this reason, I’ve intentionally withheld details about their names, companies and titles. I believe the messages delivered in these narratives should speak for themselves.

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